3/16 Studio Update

Hi everybody,

Chris and I got together for another long session Tuesday, one distinguished by our usual Papa Gino’s Cheese Pizza, a lot of great editing and mixing work on Chris’ part and the coining of a new slang term: “Fleetwood Mac”, as in “That vocal take was FLEETWOOD MAC.” (I am also trying to force “Lindsey Buckingham” to catch on, but that seems like an uphill battle at this point). I would say that we are really in the final stretch of overdubs and editing now. Chelsey and Alex will be coming in soon to add their parts and I will be polishing a few vocal takes here and there and adding a bit of guitar where needed. Other than that I would say the album is about done. Please stay tuned as we have quite a few shows coming up in late March and April and May that we’ll be announcing very soon. Below you’ll find a list of what Chris and I got done Tuesday, March 16th.

Vocals Added – “Narration (At the Bottom of the Sea)” – Chad
Vocals Added – “Our Hound” – Chad
Samples Added – “Meridian” – Chris
Samples Added – “Cathedral” – Chad
Samples Added – “Paintings of Hungry People” – Chad
Drum Machine Added – “Meridian” – Chad
Drum Machine Added – “Other Names for Saints – Chad
Bass Added – “Other Names for Saints” – Chad

Thanks everyone!


Currently listening: Titus Andronicus – The Monitor
Currently reading: Slaughterhouse Five – Kurt Vonnegut

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